Monday, June 9, 2008

FYI: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos, June 9, 2008

** Media Matters **
Without noting Obama's denunciation of Hamas, Wash. Post reported many Israelis "turned off" because Hamas "expressed a preference for Obama".

AP ignored Def. Sec. Gates' support for diplomacy with Iran, reported Obama is "inexperienced in foreign affairs".

I am shocked (but not really surprised) that Associated Press are siding with the nit-wits of the right-wing wackos and continue to forget their facts. I mean, ignoring facts and lying is Faux News standards and not AP.

Right wing whore Mark Levin and total bitch Martha MacCallum falsely accused Obama of inconsistency on whether Iranian Revolutionary Guard should be designated a terrorist group.

USA Today uncritically reported old and senile McCain's reference to Obama as National Journal's "most liberal senator".

Another Trash "newspaper" I refuse to read. More suitable for the bird cage or shreddings for the hamster!

"[G]ullible" Fox & Friends escape lawsuit for repeating yet another false news story.

Gullible, ignorant, stupid, foolish, dumb assess, lying whores... What else can I call these sub-human waste of flesh?

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