Tuesday, June 10, 2008

FYI: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos, June 10, 2008

** People for the American Way **
Shortly after old and senile Sen. John McCain publicly rejected the endorsements of hate mongers John Hagee and Rod Parsley, Parsley released his own statement rescinding his endorsement and then sort of disappeared from sight.

Sometime since then, Parsley apparently decided that he had a bit more to get off his chest and so he released a video on his Center for Moral Clarity website in which he reiterated many of the points he made in his initial statement but added some attacks on what he claimed were the "politically vicious and misguided" hit-squads who exposed his radical views, claiming that his views on Islam are "very much in the mainstream" and insisting that he made a "clear distinction between Muslim terrorists and the vast majority of peaceful Muslims."

Watch the Video: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/2008/06/rod_parsley_pla.html

Read more about the antics of the right-wing wackos at Right-Wing-Watch's blog here --> http://www.rightwingwatch.org/

** Media Matters **
Michael "The Whiner" Savage's answer to homelessness: "Why not put them in work camps?".

I have a better idea, how about we put loudmouth, second rate radio hosts (he was fired from KGO 810 AM radio, the NUMBER 1 radio station in the San Francisco Bay Area) into fat boy camps? I am sure he could stand (or sit?) to lose about 100 lbs...

LA Times editorial falsely claimed "unusually centrist" (but still old and senile) McCain "oppose[s] a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage".

Get the facts people. Old and senile McCain does not support equal rights.

NY Times ignored old and senile McCain flip-flop on whether he believed Falwell was an "agent[] of intolerance".

Not sure if Falwell is still relevant. He's dead after all (Thank God). At the same time, there are others like Falwell but still wasting breathable air and needs to be exposed as the hate-mongers that they are.

Gannett, AP claimed McCain opposes a constitutional amendment banning abortion -- but McCain said he supports it.

Where the hell are the newsies getting their information? They are all becoming like Faux News and just lie for the hell of it!

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