Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Your Fight the Right Activist links for June 3, 2008

** Food and Water Watch **
A deceptive and questionable technology approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration is making its way onto supermarket shelves. Carbon monoxide gas is being used in meat and fish packaging to create a red color typically associated with freshness. Meat treated with carbon monoxide will retain its color and mask spoilage even when improperly stored for weeks at a time.

The worst part is consumers don't know if their meat has been treated with carbon monoxide, because it doesn't have to be labeled. Thankfully a bill has been introduced in Congress (HR 3115) that would require all meat, poultry, and seafood treated with carbon monoxide to be labeled.

Ask your Member of Congress to support this important legislation and demand to let consumers know if carbon monoxide was used in meat packaging!

** Free Press **
In his explosive new memoir, former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan reveals that the mainstream media played a prominent role in "enabling" pro-war propaganda: The mainstream media didn't live up to its watchdog reputation, McClellan writes. "If it had, the country would have been better served."

Our democracy is in peril when mainstream media fail to question the official view and put the interests of ordinary Americans first. This watchdog role is especially critical during a time of war.

Please sign this letter to make media more accountable for selling the war.

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