Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept 23, 2008 -- NO Blank Check to Wall Street!

** Working Families e-Activist Network **

George Bush, Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke came to Congress last weekend with a request for a $700 billion blank check to bail out Wall Street. Thankfully, our allies in Congress are pushing back against this dangerous and ill-conceived bill.

Our nation is facing a real financial crisis, brought on by seven years of Bush-McCain financial policies, that calls for action that is thoughtful and swift—but not hasty. The actions we take at this perilous time must set the stage for a real recovery that benefits Main Street as well as Wall Street.

The last thing we should do is compound the enormous imbalances in our economy with an enormously imbalanced rescue package.

Contact your member of Congress and their leaders today and tell them "no blank checks" for Wall Street.


** SEIU **

When you mess up on the job, you get a pink slip.

When you're a corporate CEO running a multi-billion dollar enterprise into the ground, you get a golden parachute.

This week, the Bush Administration is seeking legislation that would grant the very people who got us into this mess a blank check to get us out.

No deal.

Sign the petition telling your representatives to vote NO on any blank check bailout for the Bush Administration.


** Public Campaign Action Fund **

The New York Stock Exchange's opening bell sends shivers down the spines of all Americans as we consider the fate of the nation's largest banks and brokerages.

Years of easy credit, sub-prime lending, and market deregulation have led us to what may be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. What is Congress doing? Debating a taxpayer-financed bailout for the people who got us into this mess.

You can be sure that they are remembering the well over $5 billion the finance, insurance, and real estate firms have poured into campaign contributions and lobbying since 1990. What can we do?

Tell Congress in no uncertain terms: no blank checks for Wall Street donors. The American people can't afford a special interest bailout.


** Democrats.com **

George Bush wants taxpayers to give Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson a $700 billion blank check - $2,333 for every man, woman, and child -to bail out Wall Street for its reckless speculation and greed. That's on top of $1.1 trillion for other recent bailouts, including A.I.G., Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Bear Stearns.

The Paulson Plan is a total outrage with no restrictions, no accountability, and no repair of the underlying problem of foreclosures on fraudulent mortgages. Each of Bush's previous bailouts was sold as a cure for the financial crisis, but each had little effect. The Paulson Plan achieves only one goal with certainty: stealing from the middle class to protect the rich.

The current financial crisis is the direct result of 28 years of rightwing Republican deregulation, corruption, and greed, which became fatally toxic under Bush-Cheney and the Republican Congress.

Congress must reject Paulson's Plunder

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