Tuesday, December 2, 2008

FYI for DEC 02, 2008: Exposing the Lies and Stupidity of Right-Wing Wackos

** Media Matters **

Because fooling the right-wing lemmings is easy, lying bitch Karl Rove repeatedly misstates Obama's vote increase over Gore in 2000 to downplay victory.
During the December 2 edition of NBC's Today, when asked about the effect of President Bush's approval ratings on Barack Obama's election as president, Fox News contributor Karl Rove claimed that the "call for change gave Barack Obama the presidency of the United States with 2.1 percent more than Al Gore got." In fact, in 2000, Gore received 48.38 percent of the popular vote, and according to unofficial election results posted on National Public Radio's website, Obama has received 52.7 percent of the popular vote, which is a difference of 4.32 percentage points.

Faux's so-called "news" whore on The Live Desk, Trace Gallagher is latest to falsely claim Big Three autoworkers make $73 per hour.


Right-wing whore Bitch Sean Hannity ignored Coleman ballot challenges to accuse Franken of "stealing an election".


True to form, NBC aired clip of retired General Berry R. McCaffrey discussing "Afghan security forces" without disclosing ties to company training them.


Wash. Times and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review publish false Heritage Foundation claims about autoworker compensation.

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