Thursday, January 31, 2008

Your 5 Minute Activist Links for Jan 31, 2008

** Oxfam America **
Working on a farm is hard work. Tomato Pickers earn about 40 to 50 CENTS for every 32 pound bucket they pick. According to Oxfam, this rate has not risen in 30 years! While other slum employers such as McDonald's have actually agreed to increase this pittance, Burger King has not.
Click this link here and Tell Burger King to support higher worker wages!

** United Farm Workers **
It's time for action, not just words on immigration reform! Click this link here and tell the White house, Senate Leader Reid, Speaker Pelosi and your Senators to pass AGJOBS bill this year.

Want to know more about AGJOBS? Click Here -->

** Consumers Union **
I don't know about you but I like to KNOW what kind of foods that I am eating/drinking at ALL times. That includes cloned foods. Click here to tell the USDA to demand where exactly are foods that we are eating are coming from.

** The Wilderness Society **
Tell the
Bureau of Land Management to protect the Pinedale Anticline and not allow MORE gas wells for the big oil companies that are more concerned about profit over land.

** National Campaign for Fair Elections **
Don't allow voter intimidation and deceptive practices! Click here to let your local election Chiefs that you are watching them!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

FYI: Put Bush Impeachment on the Table!

** The People's Email Network **
Current action to send to your members of Congress and your local papers: Demand impeachment hearings on King Bush

I can think of 935 reasons to impeach this son of a bush.

Your 5 Minute Activist Links for Jan 30, 2008

** Public Citizen **
As our Senators are now drafting an economic recover plan of their own, and as they are filling them up with as many "Tax credits" to help everyone else except us working people, why not tell your Senators to Extend Renewable Energy Tax Credits.

** Earth Justice **
It's King Bush Vs Wolfs in the Northern Rockies. The King has plans to remove wolves from the endangered species list and will allow the states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana to KILL 80 percent of ALL wolves remaining in the Northern Rockies! Click here to send a message to your Representatives and stop this senseless killing!

** Ocean Conservancy **
Join Ocean Conservancy's fight in protecting sea life. Click here and see what you can do today.

** Progressive Patriots Fund **
Continuing the fight against the flawed FISA Bill. Sign the petition and let your Voice be heard!

** Natural Resources Defense Council **
Urge your Senators to ratify the "Law of the Sea Treaty". Read about this important Treaty and sign the petition.

FYI: Sickos involving the USDA!

** The Humane Society **
I just received this sick e-mail from the Humane Society and this only confirms our government has completely failed us as a society and as a working government. Click on this link and see for yourself what some companies (This time, Hallmark Meat Packing Company) are doing to endanger our food supply and then send an e-mail to political hack Secretary of Agriculture Edward Schafer. Warning --> Not Safe For Work or for those with Weak Stomaches!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

FYI: Why Wal-Mart Sucks...

Wal-mart, you suck. I refuse to shop at your stores and I encourage everyone to shop elsewhere. And I am not alone in thinking that. Please join WakeUpWalMart and see for yourself the kind of discrimination, and harassment their employees and suppliers has to put up with and what YOU can do to stop this.

If that's not enough, here's a petition to protect employees from discrimination, not just at Wal-Mart but this is coming from a FORMER Wal-Mart Employee --> "Stephen Orr, a pharmacist at a Wal-Mart in Nebraska, was fired for taking lunch breaks to manage his diabetes."

Sign this petition and let your voices be heard!

Just say no to right-wing extremists!

Take your first steps in making The United States a real democracy again. Here's a couple of Actions that I suggest everyone take a look at and then send your Leaders in Washington an e-mail!

** NARAL - Pro-Choice America

King Bush continues to attempt to deny women their right to choose. With his nonimation of Mr. Richard Honaker, he continues to side with right-wing extremists. Click here and Tell the Senate NO to Richard Honaker!

** League of Conservation Voters
Tell Congress they must act on Global Warming NOW! Congress is getting ready to set their 2008 agenda and now is the time to tell them what you think. Click here and Tell Congress to make Global Warming a Priority!

** Defenders of Wildlife
It's King Bush vs the Polar Bears. Actually, it's about the large amount of $$$ the oil companies give to Bush and his cronies vs anything and everything that stands in their way. Tell King Bush to protect Polar Bears and stop this nonsense.

** Care2: The Petition Site
Get Involved with grassroots petition signing. Find your cause and let your voices be heard.

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