Monday, March 24, 2008

Your 5 Minute Activist Links for March 24, 2008

** **
Five Years is Five Years Too Many. Win Without War wants Rep. John Murtha, Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, to provide funding only for the safe and timely redeployment of U.S. troops out of Iraq. Please sign their letter.

** True Majority **
President Hu Jintao of China is under mounting pressure right now to decide between a path of violence, and one that respects international human rights and will lead to peace.
We urgently need to call on the Chinese government to live up to its obligations by resolving the situation peacefully and open up a direct dialogue with the Dalai Lama.
Sign our petition to the Chinese President and make sure he renounces force in resolving the crisis.

** Public Citizen **
The Bush administration believes it can simply ignore Congress and the will of the people when it comes to safety on our highways.
Despite overwhelming opposition to a dangerous plan to give selected Mexico-based trucking companies full access to U.S. roads -- and legislation he signed into law that cuts off its funding -- Bush is barreling ahead.
At Public Citizen we are relentlessly pursuing proper safeguards for this program. Recently we had our day in court to demand the administration adhere to the law and permit the implementation of crucial safety standards.
The Bush administration is rushing ahead with this pilot project without any safety measures. We have outlined many of these problems in our latest YouTube video.
Check it out and be sure to tell your Representatives that Monkey King Bush must abide the law... especially those he signs!

** Credo Action **
The federal government has stepped in recently with huge bailouts for the big Wall Street firms like Bear where's the help for regular Americans?
Tell your Senators: Support the Foreclosure Prevention Act.

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