Sunday, October 19, 2008

FYI for Oct 1, 2008: Exposing the Lies and Stupidity of the Right-Wing Wackos

** Media Matters **
Fox's right-wing whore James Rosen falsely accused Obama (lied out of his ass) of "go[ing] to work on ... working stiff" Joe the Plumber.
In fact, the context of that remark makes clear that Obama was actually criticizing old and senile McCain, not Wurzelbacher, as Rosen falsely claimed.

Selectively citing Gallup poll's findings
, MSNBC's Morning Joe joined Drudge Report in touting "Gallup shock".
On October 17, MSNBC's Morning Joe echoed the Drudge Report by displaying on-screen text that read, "Gallup shock," and selectively citing only one of three findings from an October 13-15 Gallup daily tracking poll of the presidential race -- the result that showed Sen. Barack Obama holding his smallest lead over Sen. John McCain.

Wash. Post uncritically reported (lied about) old and senile McCain's attack on Obama for "wanting to raise taxes" on Americans like Joe the Plumber.


In reporting on CBS' The Late Show with David Letterman appearance, media fail to note other aspects of convicted felon Liddy's controversial past.


On KSFO's (The SF Bay Area's #3 or #4 ranked Radio Station and dropping) The Lee Rodgers Show, right-wing whore Lee Rodgers said many "professed leaders of the feminist movement" are "hags" who "couldn't get laid in a men's prison".

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