Thursday, November 20, 2008

FYI for Nov 20, 2008: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos

** Media Matters **

Because lying is what he does best, right-wing whore Bitch O'Reilly falsely claimed Sen. Norm Coleman "was certified the winner" in MN Senate race.


Right-wing whore Michael "The Whiner" Savage: "[T]here's gonna be a wholesale firing of competent white men in the United States government"

(Fight the Right-Wing Wackos: I can't think of ONE competent white guy in The Monkey King's government... Can you?)


Another reason why decent people ignore Faux News as Faux News' Napolitano advanced Communist smear against MN Sec. of State Mark Ritchie.


The War Room co-whore Jim Quinn trivializes same-sex marriage effort, claiming: "[G]ays never wanted to get married until ... about five years ago".


ABC's Matt Jaffe uncritically reported Cardinal Stafford's false claims about Obama and abortion.

(Fight the Right-Wing Wackos: Isn't there something in that Bible thing about not lying and all that?)

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