Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nov 20, 2008 -- Fight the Right-Wing Wackos Links of the Day.

** EarthWorks **

On its way out of office, the Bush Administration is attempting to rollback several environmental regulations.

The Office of Surface Management intends to repeal the Stream Buffer Zone rule, which prevents mining within 100 feet of a stream. Without the Stream Buffer Zone rule, surface coal mining and mountaintop removal activities will overrun water sources with mining waste and debris, called valley fills.

The Stream Buffer Zone rule has been in effect since 1983. Rolling it back now goes against the wishes of those most directly impacted by the practice. A poll of West Virginians, conducted by Lake Research Partners and Bellwether Research shows those most likely affected by the rule change overwhelmingly support the environmental protections the Bush Administration is trying to undo.

The final comment period on the rule change ends November 23. You can send a letter to Dennis G. Rice at the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement and let him know that you oppose rolling back important environmental protections like the Stream Buffer Zone rule.

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** League of Conservation Voters **

After years of inaction from the Bush Administration, we finally have an opportunity to break our addiction to oil and work for a clean energy future. That is why LCV launched a petition to send to President-elect Obama to ask him to support critical energy priorities in his first 100 days.

Sign the petition today!

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