Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin, You Suck! Media sucks up to right-wing whore...

** Media Matters **

AP falsely suggests Palin supports benefits for same-sex partners of state employees.

The AP did not note, as the AP had previously reported, that the bill she vetoed in December 2006 was a response to a 2005 Alaska Supreme Court ruling that the state's policy of denying spousal benefits to same-sex partners of public employees violated the Alaska Constitution.
-- claimed Palin "oppos[es]" earmarks -- but her administration said it requested them this year.

Media affix "maverick" label to Palin as well.

If you mean by lying to state investigators, whoring to religious extremists, and pandering to oil companies, then yes, that label works.

WSJ reported that Palin "highlighted her opposition" to "that bridge to nowhere" -- but not her previous reported support for it.

National Review Online's Media Blog writer and right-wing whore, Greg Pollowitz falsely claimed (lied like the whore he is) Palin visited troops in Kuwait "a year before" Obama "felt the need to go".

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