Saturday, August 30, 2008

FYI for Aug 30, 2008: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos!

** Media Matters **

Offering no evidence, NY Times' David Brooks claimed Palin "pretty progressive on gay and lesbian issues," "talks about global warming quite a lot".

Repeating lies of the right-wing whores will not make it the truth ya bitch.

Faux "News" right-wing media whore DICK Morris flip-flops on whether Palin has enough experience to be McCain's running mate.

What's this? Your bosses told you to suck up to Palin already? Well so much for your "integrity" ya whore.

CBS' Face the Nation whore Bob Schieffer asserted Palin was "against earmarks" and "bridge to nowhere" without noting her earmark requests, previous reported support for bridge.

Stand up and grow a pair will you, ya whore.

Media uncritically report (lied about because it takes too much effort to get facts when they can be like Faux News) McCain camp's assertion that Obama "voted against funds for American troops in harm's way".

Fox's right-wing bitch Jennifer Griffin falsely claimed Clark "disparag[ed] McCain's military service".

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