Tuesday, August 19, 2008

FYI for Aug 19, 2008: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos

** Media Matters **

Washington Post reported voter's concern that Obama "will raise taxes" without noting Obama proposes cutting taxes for low- and middle-income families.

Bah, raise taxes on the richest 3 Percent. Screw them bastards. The richest 3 percent are sucking resources without paying for it.

Real Media, not Faux News crap and right-wing bitches, denounce Corsi's anti-Obama book.

Racist and right-wing bitch Jerome Corsi's cancellation of scheduled appearance on "pro-White trash" radio show leaves unanswered questions.

Right-wing whore Mary Matalin reportedly contradicts herself on role in publishing Obama smear book.

Washington Times repeats old and senile McCain campaign's fat assed lie that Obama "oppos[es] ... tax cuts for small businesses."

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