Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FYI for Aug 27, 2008: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos!

** Media Matters **

Contradicting his own book, on Faux News "America's Election HQ", right-wing whore David Freddoso claimed "there's nothing" in Obama's record indicating he is a "reformer".

On Faux & "Friends" Doocy father and son both ignore son's report about some young voters' knowledge of Obama.

Lie all you want bitches. The facts are out there and there is nothing you assholes @ Faux can do about it. The lemmings are finally getting their heads out of their assess!

Because reporting about "news" is not what the right-wing whores do, Sean Hannity on "demoniz[ing]" Hillary Clinton: "That's my job"

Ignorant Media bury, ignore former Rep. Jim Leach's speech at Democratic National Convention.

Because ignoring real "news" is what they do, Faux News aired two minutes of Democratic keynote address, discussed Bill Ayers instead

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