Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin's so-called "Family Values"

** Sfgate.com **

Palin says daughter, 17, is 5 months pregnant

Old and senile McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, right-wing whore and panderer to so-called "family values" morons, said Monday her 17-year-old unmarried daughter was five months pregnant, the latest in a string of disclosures that left the McCain campaign defending the thoroughness of its background check of the little-known Alaska governor.

It was also revealed Monday that an attorney had been hired to represent Palin in a state ethics probe and that her husband, Todd, had been arrested for drunken driving two decades ago. The man who led McCain's vice presidential search team said he thought everything that came up as a possible red flag during the background check had now been made public.

Read more of the hypocrite and right-wing panderer here @ sfgate.com


Take note that this bitch is anti-choice and refuses to allow sex education in schools. Maybe if the daughter took classes, then perhaps she would not be in this situation. OR perhaps, Palin is a bad parent and this is a reflection on the daughter's poor family home environment?

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