Wednesday, December 10, 2008

FYI for Dec 10, 2008: Exposing the Lies and Stupidity of Right-Wing Wackos

** Media Matters **

Faux News' The O'Reilly Factor whore Bitch O'Reilly falsely claimed Army Field Manual "bans any questioning that would make a suspect uncomfortable".
In fact, the Army Field Manual includes an entire section on "Interrogation Operations," as well as a chapter listing and describing "Approach Techniques and Termination Strategies" for use in interrogations of detainees, several of which spell out ways in which interrogators may attempt to make detainees "uncomfortable."

Wash. Times headline baselessly claims "Scandal casts cloud over Obama presidency".


Convicted drug addict and Viagra abuser Fats Limpballs falsely claimed (lied out of his fat ass) Bush waited until his second term to replace "some" of Clinton's U.S. attorneys


Faux News' Hannity & Colmes co-whore Sean Hannity falsely claimed that under Bush, "We created 10 million new jobs".


Ignoring context, right-wing whore Sean Hannity called "president-elect" mentions in Blagojevich complaint "troubling".

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