Thursday, April 17, 2008

Your 5 Minute Activist Links for April 17, 2008

** Union of Concerned Scientists **
Yesterday, President Bush finally decided to weigh in on global warming after seven years on the sideline. His speech came as the U.S. Senate is poised to vote on legislation that would put us on the path to a safer climate by ensuring significant near term reductions of global warming pollution. Unfortunately, the president’s suggestion that we delay any emission cuts until 2025 shows he would prefer to derail the Senate process than make a real contribution.
Please urge your senators to move beyond the president’s rhetoric by supporting strong global warming legislation.

** United Farm Workers **
Farm worker children are being put at daily risk of neurological and developmental damage due to four deadly organophosphate pesticides.
These toxic pesticides were derived from nerve gas developed during World War II. The four organophosphates at issue are methidathion, oxydemeton-methyl, methamidophos, and ethoprop and are primarily used in California on a wide variety of fruit, vegetable, and nut crops.
These toxic chemicals pose a danger to everyone, but especially to rural children and families when these four pesticides drift into schoolyards, outdoor play areas, and homes. The EPA has acknowledged the danger, but has done nothing to protect the public.

Please e-mail the EPA today and tell them to ban these four toxic pesticides immediately. Stop putting children's health at risk.

** True Majority **
Last week, ABC news broke a shocking story: Secretary of State Rice led meetings that explicitly authorized torture. 1 Last night, ABC had a chance to ask the Presidential candidates if they thought torture was acceptable in America. In case they didn't think of this idea themselves, we even ran an ad on the local ABC affiliate right after the debate in Philadelphia with quotes from their story and footage of the Secretary of State saying, "Torture and conspiracy to commit torture are crimes under US law".
But ABC didn't get the hint. Instead of asking the Democratic candidates about torture, the moderators, "dwelled entirely on specious and gossipy trivia that already has been hashed and rehashed".2 The mainstream media won't hold the Bush administration accountable, but we will.
Sign our petition demanding the Presidential candidates call on Rice to resign:

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