Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Your 5 Minute Activist Links for April 30, 2008

** Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance **
On April 9, Senator Bob Bennett (R-UT) introduced S. 2834, the Washington County Growth and Conservation Act of 2008. While in some ways this bill is better than Senator Bennett's 2006 version, which you helped to defeat, it still contains some of the same damaging provisions for southwestern Utah that would perpetuate bad precedents for all future public lands bills.

Once again we need your help! Please let your Senators know that S. 2834 is bad for Utah wilderness!

** Gay Men's Health Crisis **
Once a year, hundreds of AIDS activists travel to Washington D.C. for the nation's largest advocacy event for HIV/AIDS: AIDS Watch. People living with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends, health care providers and AIDS activists meet with members of Congress to demand a solid federal commitment to AIDS programs.

You can participate, too! Send a message to your members of Congress asking them to support AIDS programs that work. Tell Congress to support AIDS programs that work.

** Human Rights First **
Last week, African dock workers, trade unionists, human rights activists, and religious leaders joined together to stop the delivery of weapons from China to Zimbabwe.

As dock workers refused to unload the arms – China was forced to recall the ship carrying them because no country was willing to receive it.

This heroic stand by the people in southern Africa — they weren't going to allow arms into a country that planned to use them against its own people — sent a strong message to China that their weapons are not always welcome. Countries of the world, including the U.S., had no choice but to join the people and repudiate the arms shipment. And China had no choice but to yield to international pressure by recalling the ship.

We have seen what is possible when the people take action — leaders will follow. We need to do the same thing for Chinese arms going to Sudan.

In Zimbabwe, Chinese weapons are used by government forces to crush political opposition by terror. In Sudan, Chinese arms are used to kill civilians and destroy lives in Darfur.

Join us in telling the U.S. government to do for Sudan what they did for Zimbabwe: call on Beijing to halt arms sales to Sudan.

** CREDO Action **

Old and senile McCain is blocking a vote on legislation to address widespread gender-based pay inequity because he thinks women only need more "education and training" instead of full equality under the law. We disagree, and so do our partners at CREDO Mobile.

Please sign CREDO's petition to urge old and senile McCain to quit making sexist statements and stop blocking a vote on fair pay for women.

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