Thursday, July 17, 2008

FYI: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos, July 17, 2008

** Media Matters **
Network evening news broadcasts ignored old and senile McCain's "disgrace" remark about Social Security.

Typical, report lies and distortions since they make for better "news".

Lying right-wing whore Sean Hannity falsely claimed Obama tax plan would raise taxes on "families of four that make $50,000 a year".

Wash. Post's right-wing whore Chris Cillizza asserted that Swift Boaters "raise[d] questions about" Kerry's military credentials, did not note accusations were false and baseless smears.

Wash. Post headline -- "Offshore drilling backed as remedy for oil prices" -- undermined by article itself.

Of course, since the Post thinks you are all lemmings and you won't question their lies, they can say anything they want!

MSNBC's right-wing whore Joe Watkins repeated false and misleading claims about McCain's record on taxes and immigration.

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