Monday, July 28, 2008

Your Fight The Right-Wing Wackos for July 28, 2008

** Wilderness Society **
With gas prices at over $4 per gallon, every member of Congress is feeling the pressure to support more drilling. The risk to our sensitive public lands and offshore waters has never been higher.

This week Congress may vote to lift the decades-old ban on offshore drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, accelerate leasing in Alaskan waters, or sacrifice the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in a quest for more oil. Some elected officials are also talking about rushing headlong towards an oil shale program that could spell disaster for up to two million acres of public lands in Wyoming, Colorado and Utah.

American consumers need a real solution. Despite a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign from oil companies to convince the nation otherwise, the public is increasingly in agreement with experts who assert that opening vast amounts of public lands and waters will not lower the prices we face at the pump.

The "drill everywhere" approach would, however, leave our lands irrevocably changed, prolong our nation's addiction to oil, and postpone critically important investment in alternative, clean energy technologies.

Your help is urgently needed. Tell Congress to reject this "drill everywhere" approach right now.

** Center for American Progress **
Although a majority of the House voted for selling oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a narrow minded, short sighted conservative minority in the House was able to block this essential energy price relief bill just to keep prices high and oil companies rich. Their proposed solution to drill for oil in protected places is running on empty since this will not produce oil or ease economic suffering for a decade or more. That's not going to help anyone who really needs help.

But if you email your senators, you can persuade them to pass this needed relief when they take it up before the August recess.

Please email your senators to support selling oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve and using the profits to invest in low carbon energy solutions. Tell them not to let anyone block this effort to help hard working American families.

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