Tuesday, July 22, 2008

FYI: Exposing the Lies of the Right-Wing Wackos, July 22, 2008

** Media Matters **
NBC's right-wing whore Andrea Mitchell again failed to challenge false assertion that Katrina didn't result in oil spills.

Yeah, bitch, keep repeating that lie. No one really believes you except for ignorant lemmings!

On America's Election HQ, right-wing whore Ralph Peters made false statements about Obama's foreign policy.

CNN's ignorant whore Dana Bash cited McCain's Afghanistan plan as "proof" that he knows "how to win wars".

Well, according to her simple bio, this chick never served in the military and yet the whore knows all about fighting wars...

ABC's Good Morning America, in following the lead of lying to the American People like Faux News, falsely claimed Obama was making "his first trip to the war zones".

Your credibility is falling by the wayside there ABC.

Ignorant right-wing whore Michael Savage on autism: "A fraud, a racket. ... In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out".

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