Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pro-H8 Bigots who donated in Pleasant Hill, CA

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Bigots in Pleasant Hill, CA who donated $$$ to the Yes on H8 campaign, how much and when:

Bethany Price $150.00 10/27/08
Roselyn Taormina $75.00 10/27/08
Virgil Valentine $200.00 10/26/08
Harold Eslinger $45.00 10/25/08
Jack Case $40.00 10/25/08
Patricia Hilton $125.00 10/25/08
James Jamieson $150.00 10/23/08
Margie Detiege $350.00 10/23/08
Larry Phair $300.00 10/22/08
Victoria Ramsey $25.00 10/21/08
Harold Eslinger $40.00 10/20/08
Jack Case $40.00 10/20/08
Jael Halversen $250.00 10/20/08
Emilie Eskelson $300.00 10/19/08
Kari Read $500.00 10/19/08
Melvin Jones $10.00 10/16/08
Lenore Krause $100.00 10/14/08
Margie Detiege $250.00 10/13/08
Jon Hickman $1,000.00 10/09/08
Harold Eslinger $25.00 10/06/08
Jack Case $40.00 10/04/08
Kendra Phair $300.00 10/02/08
Melvin Jones $14.00 10/02/08
Kenneth Moses Jr. $100.00 09/30/08
Carol Martin $250.00 09/28/08
Carolyn Fawcett $250.00 09/28/08
Julie Jones $150.00 09/24/08
Jack Case $40.00 09/22/08
Lisa Turner $100.00 09/21/08
Eileen Sandiland $99.00 09/16/08
Lita Moses $100.00 09/16/08
Ms. Frederic Spiller $250.00 09/16/08
Margaret Rupnow $35.00 09/15/08
Margie Detiege $250.00 09/12/08
Eileen Sandiland $99.00 09/10/08
James Gillispie $250.00 09/10/08
Janet Sandberg $100.00 09/07/08
Margie Detiege $250.00 09/06/08
Francis Miceli $25.00 09/05/08
Melvin Jones $15.00 09/05/08
Edward Painter $500.00 09/04/08
Larry Phair $250.00 09/04/08
Cheryl Ferris $100.00 09/02/08
Walter Copa $3,000.00 09/02/08
David Garff $1,000.00 08/31/08
James Riley $500.00 08/31/08
Kari Berejkoff $250.00 08/31/08
Kimberly Hogan $2,000.00 08/31/08
Lisle Adams $250.00 08/31/08
Patricia Riley $500.00 08/31/08
Warren Katchmar $500.00 08/28/08
Margie Detiege $250.00 08/27/08
Brian Lee $500.00 08/25/08
Carol Seman $500.00 08/24/08
Gwen Ludlow $1,000.00 08/24/08
John Seman $500.00 08/24/08
Mark Halversen $1,000.00 08/24/08
Victoria Ramsey $60.00 08/21/08
Daniel Watts $325.00 08/20/08
Jonathan Hilton $250.00 08/20/08
Charles Richards $400.00 08/19/08
Jack Case $40.00 08/19/08
Gerald Bullock $150.00 08/17/08
Margie Detiege $250.00 08/12/08
Ardis Richards $100.00 08/10/08
Melvin Jones $20.00 08/07/08
Melvin Jones $20.00 08/07/08
Anita Valentine $200.00 08/06/08
Francis Miceli $35.00 08/06/08
Harold Eslinger $50.00 08/05/08
Daniel Watts $350.00 07/23/08
Lisle Adams $99.00 07/22/08
Wayne Goodman $50.00 07/01/08
Eileen Sandiland $100.00 06/23/08
Victoria Ramsey $100.00 04/14/08

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