Friday, February 13, 2009

FYI for Feb 13, 2009: Exposing the Lies and Stupidity of disgusting Republicans!

** Media Matters **

Faux "News" jumps at GOP's silly mouse tale.
On February 11, The Washington Times reported that "House Republicans are challenging Speaker Nancy Pelosi's claim that the massive stimulus spending bill contains no pet projects after uncovering in the bill more than $30 million for wetlands conservation in her San Francisco Bay area district, including work she previously championed to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse."

The Times' claim that House Republicans "uncover[ed]" a provision for funding "to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse" is reportedly false. Blogger Greg Sargent of The Plum Line wrote on February 12 that the salt marsh harvest mouse claim originated in an email from an anonymous "House Republican leadership staffer" who, when contacted by Sargent, "conceded that the claim by conservative media that the mouse money is currently in the bill is a misstatement."

However, this spurious claim leapt from the House GOP, to The Washington Times, to Fox News, where it was reported as fact and Pelosi was mocked even after the story had been debunked.


CNN's ignorant whore Lou Dobbs and Bitch Kitty Pilgrim, Faux's Bitch Hannity also get caught in GOP's mouse trap.
In fact, as a House Republican leadership aide reportedly acknowledged, the bill does not contain any language directing funds to San Francisco wetlands or the salt marsh harvest mouse living in them.


Because right-wing wackos are ignorant on how technology works -->
Memo to convicted drug addict and Viagra abuser "Fats" Limbaugh: Try CTRL+F before blasting Dems for purportedly unsearchable bill.
During the February 13 broadcast of his syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Democrats "have reformatted the bill -- they've made it a PDF [Portable Document Format, created by Adobe Systems] file when they posted it. Now, for those of you that don't use computers (GOP?), basically what that means is that it cannot be keyword searched. A PDF file is essentially a picture of a page. And, so, you can read every page, but you cannot keyword search it. It's not a text file as legislation normally is as posted on these public websites. They don't want anybody knowing what's in this."

In fact, PDFs are searchable in multiple ways. In its Help Resource Center for Adobe Reader, a program that reads PDFs, Adobe Systems writes: "You can run a simple search, looking for a search term within in a single file, or you can run a more complex search, looking for various kinds of data in one or more PDFs.

You can run a search using either the Search window or the Find toolbar. In either case, Reader searches the PDF body text, layers, form fields, and digital signatures. You can also include bookmarks and comments in the search."


Ignorant whore Joe Scarborough falsely suggested Frank is only "now ... saying some people should just rent".


Faux "News" whore Glenn Beck aired false claim that a union only needs 30 percent support from employees to be "established".

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